Season Information


Please come prepared with an Umpire before the game.


  • A team taking the court must have a minimum of five registered players.
  • All teams must have a minimum of seven and up to a maximum 12 registered players on Senior League team registration forms.
  • DAY PLAYERS If you require extra players then they must register.
    • The additional player must register at the ‘officials desk ’ before the game and before they take the court.
    • Their name must be on the team card as an additional player before they take the court.
    • Failure to comply with this ruling will result in the forfeiting of three (4) points earned for that game on that day.
    • No ADDITIONAL players will be not permitted in the last 3 weeks of Competition Round 
    • A day player may play a total of 3 times. After 3 times the player must fully register with the team & MBNC 


Senior teams provide own equipment, bibs and uniforms. Uniforms must comply with centre regulations:

  • Compression wear (thermals) are permitted to be worn. 
  • Hoodies and other clothing that may catch, or create unsafe play, are not
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